The great thing about the Internet is that it can make all our dreams come true. Take for instance, our passion for beautiful replica designer sneakers. We could never afford the original thing, but the e-market makes everything so much simpler. You can shop for the perfect imitation expensive shoes with just 100 dollars or less. This being said, we also shouldn’t ignore the fact that not all replica websites offer the same degree of quality, services and prices. We need to be selective and choose wisely when we place our orders. Below, I will show you how I separate de reputable ones from the scams. is one of the online stores that promise to indulge our lust for exquisite designer sneakers with very authentic looking shoes, affordable prices and excellent services. Judging just by its looks, it’s hard to believe that the site is such a great source for high quality imitation sneakers. Its design is pretty simple and dull. It has a white background, a plain top menu bar with just 2 brands and information buttons, lots of sponsored products in the center of the page. There is nothing too showy, too impressive or elegant. Still, due to its simplicity, it is quite friendly and easy to use.
Realjordansshoes company doesn’t carry that many sneakers brands. It offers only two product categories, but these are very wide as some of them include about many different models. Plus, the site offers some other types of replica jerseys and hats, not just air jordans. Also, every category is organized into collections that have the same name as the original ones. This helps us identify quicker the model which interests us. has all its prices in USD. My first impression is that these are very convenient. For instance, the kids Jordan shoes cost about $95.88. The women’s Jordan shoes are $93.88. While the travel bags cost about $81.88-$108.88. This is not such a high price if we consider the fact that the genuine products cost more. If the quality is decent then it is definitely worth it.
When it comes to the product pictures, I knew this website wouldn’t let you down. It has its own photos taken of its own merchandise in order to convince us that what we see in the images is what we will receive. Plus, the quality of the images is very great. The photos are normal and most of them show the front and inside of the sneaker, and more additional details.
When you order a replica air Jordan from you get free worldwide delivery by EMS. With this shipping option, your order will be delivered in about 4-7 business days and a tracking number will be provided for the package.
The available payment methods here are PayPal, Western union, Money gram, credit card, including VISA, MasterCard and JCB. I am totally satisfied with this. I think that accepting Pay pal shows that the merchant is that preoccupied about the needs and satisfaction of its customers. All reputable and liable companies should offer alternative payment options.
Realjordansshoes guarantees the satisfaction of your purchase with a 7 days refund policy and a 14 days exchange warranty. Like with any other online purchase, when you get a package from, you should inspect the product very well and see if it really is what you were expecting. If not then you should immediately contact the site and request the return details. But please keep in mind the fact that all return costs must be paid by the customer.
Unfortunately, disappoints us also when it comes to customer services. No matter how urgent your questions or problems may be, you cannot instantly contact the store because it does not offer chat and phone services. You can send a message by emailing their agents or using the Contact Form included on the page.
Every sneaker enthusiast dreams of owning an Air Jordan shoe, but the stiff price tends to discourage us. Instead of buying the real thing we turn to replicas, such as the ones sold by This company has a very large collection of famous sneakers at very affordable prices, free International delivery and a 7 days refund policy, but the reasons why it doesn’t convince me that it is such a great idea are the poor customer services..
do they have fake shoes there?