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If you are not familiar with the concept, “Best replicas” refers to the highest quality of fake sneakers available on the market. A very strong and demanding name for any company, but isn’t intimidated by this challenge. It is eager to convince us that it is the best store in town and that it has all it takes to deliver the best quality replica sneakers.

Its website is a pleasant surprise. It is plain, beautiful like those pages that have a black, white or gray base appearance. looks very friendly and is also quite easy to use as it does not have many interactive features or complicated buttons. There are just one menu bar on top with links for browsing the collection by Product.

The collection is large and diversified. There are many famous replica shoes available. Each collection includes just a couple of pages with replica boosts becau. prefers to list just the most popular designs and not annoy us with a collection that is too large to be browsed entirely.

I find the prices acceptable. only sells replica sneakers. The boosts cost about $100-$200. If you run a quick search online and compare these prices with the ones of other stores selling similar replicas, you will see that the prices are about the same.

The interesting thing about the pictures is that these are professional photos. And this is necessarily a bad thing. On the contrary, it shows that this company does not have its own stock and that it actually didn’t take pictures of its own replica shoes and posted them on the website. It does not clearly prove that what you see in the pictures is what you get and, judging by the photos these fake yeezys appear to be quite beautiful and very authentic looking.

The description of the products is terrible. It is written in broken English and it is quite difficult to understand. Luckily, if you know a thing or two about these boosts you will be able to read between the lines and get the main technical specifications.

The most fascinating thing about ordering from is that you get a discount depending on the payment you choose. I discovered this in the Payment section of the order form where I saw that Western Union, Visa and Mastercard payments are available. If you pay by Western Union or Money Gram, you can enjoy 15% discount. can deliver your package to any country in the world. The usual delivery time is 4 to 15 business days. The delivery is free. The orders are shipped with EMS or DHL and all of them have a tracking number. Also, the company guarantees the delivery. If the package is lost or seized then they will reship it. does not offer return policy. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON.

The website says that offers Customer Care from 8 Am to 5 PM, Monday to Sunday. And what are the available contact methods? Well, the company can be reached only by using a Contact Form included on the page. It does not provide a phone number or live chat. I guess this is not because it is not a trustworthy merchant, but rather because it is based in China and doesn’t have any agents that can have a decent English conversation. is a replica shoes store that takes a different approach, one that I really appreciate. It offers many fake boosts, each one has a strict selection of the most popular models ever launched. The prices are quite fair. It also delivers worldwide with freee shipping and it takes both credit card and Western Union payments. The downsides are that it does not have a professional customer care department and that the return guarantee is not available and the product pictures are not made by a professional photographer.
