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A shoe enthusiast can never have too many sneakers. Who claims otherwise is either a man or a gal who hasn’t yet discovered the sports feeling of wearing a gorgeous and professional sneaker on his foot. Once you get your foots on a beautiful sneaker, you are forever bewitched by it. And why wouldn’t you be? It is the perfect companion. It is always there for you to complement your outfit, to make you shine. What more could you ask from a shoe?

Well, for starters, it could be affordable. The most exquisite sneakers are the ones created by designers and these cost a fortune. Our passion is indisputably dedicated to those models who wear the name of a famous brand, even though we can’t quite afford it. This is why replicas are the next best things. An imitation sneaker has a very authentic design, is made from durable and premium materials and offers you the same authentic feeling. Today, I came across and I want to share with you my opinions about this replica online store.

Obviously, looks is essential when you are buying fake products online. Fortunately is that good looking. It has a chic design, sliding banners and reliable product pictures. It is quite easy to browse. With the products’ categories, browsing through this page most certainly will not give you any troubles.

The store sells footwear, tops, watches, backpacks, sunglasses and belts, but the largest part of the collection is dedicated to replica designer sneakers. The best and most appreciated brands are listed here and each one is divided into Yeezy, NMD, ULTRA BOOST, TUBULAR, JORDANS, Y-3, TIMBERLAND and BALENCIAGA. Of course, the Jordans category is the largest one and this is also organized into sub-categories. This makes it pretty easy for us to identify the style which interests us.

The prices for these shoes vary between $79 and $189 depending on the brand of the product and the material used for making it. Other variations that influence the price are the popularity of the design, complexity of the inside compartments it comes with. If we compare these prices with the ones of most online replica stores we see that there is no difference. These are the average prices available on the market.

The descriptions for these replica shoes are very nicely written and they pretty much tell us everything we need to know in order to understand the degree of quality and authenticity of these sneakers. is able to process payments by Visa, Mastercard, Western Union and Bitcoin. The great thing about paying for your order with Western Union is that this grants you an additional 10% discount. Of course, no matter how wonderful the discount may sound, you should also consider the fact that credit card payments are the most secure way of paying online.

When you order fake shoes from this website, you enjoy free delivery for your products- no matter the destination country. Of course, do not expect it to be overnight delivery. It will take about 7-12 business days for your package to arrive as this will be dispatched with e-Packet. If you need it faster, then you can pay extra and opt for DHL or EMS. But this will also take about 4-7 business days. offers a 30 days refund policy which covers any manufacturing defects that you may experience with your replica sneaker and a 3 days refund policy. This means that the first day from the delivery you should inspect your purse very carefully and see if there are any reasons to send it back for a refund or replacement. But please consider the fact that all the costs of returning the merchandise should be paid by the customer. The good thing is that I didn’t see anywhere on the site something about a restocking fee.

The company can be contacted only by using the contact form from the site. On the page there is no phone number, email or chat button so you can quickly and easily reach their customer care department. The only thing it says is that you can contact them using WhatsApp quickly and easily.

There are many things we want to find on an online replica shoes store and these are: low prices, a large selection of beautiful products and free delivery. Well, offers all these, but it still doesn’t feel like a wise choice. Why is this? Because it does not use its own product photos, the customer care department is hard to reach and the satisfaction of you order is guaranteed only for 3 days.


  1. They stole my money and never sent shoes. Ordered theee pairs and they comminuted for a few days about one pair being out of stock. I deselected and they stopped responding. 4 weeks later still no reply and they have my money. Beware!!!

    1. How long did you wait until you were convinced it was a scam?

    2. I bought from them 2 Balenciaga speed trainer pairs and 1 human race on my first go, which i thought was a big mistake after i read this review since i couldn't find any other reviews elsewhere, and I have to say that i'm amazed with the quality, the box of the HU race was slightly damaged and had to fix it by hand, no big deal, I'll be purchasing a backpack now and see how would they arrive, their customer support is actually the best i tried compared to the other junk Chinese sites, your review is more than a year ago Jason, did they solve your case ?


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