Skip to main content Review is such an elegant and beautiful website. On the Home page there is a large banner with the holiday’s promotion., which is actually pretty good: a clean and sleek white background, easy to use menu, neat and modern banners. The looks of this replica shoes online store has been very nicely constructed.

There are seven categoris listed in the top side menu bar, but once you click on one of these buttons a new page loads. Well-known companies that have created many gorgeous sneakers over the years. So naturally, you feel tempted to browse the collection and discover its wonderful selection of best-selling sneakers. The categories are organized in many collections which makes it very easy for us to located the desired products.

The prices are pretty affordable and represent another reason meant to convince us that buying a fake boost is the most reasonable option for, us, regular people who aren’t rich, but still appreciate a beautiful shoe. The prices start at $150 and go up to $280.

The pictures of these replica boosts are not made in the same photographic style. Some have a white background while some have a grey one, and others have a black scenery. This only points out that the pictures weren’t taken in the same studio. Still, all the pictures have the same company name. And even tough, each product has numerous images from various angles, these are not very clear. You cannot see all the important small details of these replica sneakers. claims to accept both credit card and western union payments. The company claims to offer 10% discount if customer pay with western union payment.

This fake shoes online store can ship packages worldwide free of charge. The packages are shipped with EMS or DHL and the delivery takes about 4-8 business days. Of course, a tracking number will be emailed to you once the package is dispatched so you can confirm its progress online at any given moment. Having a tracking number is very helpful, especially in unfortunate cases such as when your package is stuck in customs, gets lost during shipment or is delivered to an incorrect address. If this happens, do not hesitate to contact the store and ask them to reship it.

If you have received an order from, but you are unhappy with it and you wish to return it for a refund or replacement then be sure to do so within 7 days from the delivery. After this period expires, the company can no longer reimburse you or exchange the product.

You probably already know that when buying replicas online, it is very important to be able to contact the store easily. Without their help, there are many things that can go wrong with an order. This is why the shop must provide some professional communication channels such as phone number, chat or responsive email services. doesn’t seem to realize all this. When you click it, it directs you to the Contact Us page. Of course, WhatsApp is provided and the email address is an unsecure and unprofessional Gmail account.

If you have made it to this point of my review then you have already acknowledged the pros and cons of buying a fake yeezy boost from Still, I will sum up everything for you. Its strong points are: low prices, a very diverse and large selection of beautiful designer sneakers, a 7 days return policy and free world wide delivery. The concerning issues are: it does not offer a professional customer service.
