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Are you looking for the coolest replica jordan shoes? Then you will surely want to check out the fake sneakers offered by, an online replica store where the coolest sneakers are available at incredibly low prices! is a very simple looking online replica store which does not brighten up its looks by using colorful banners. There is nothing too stylish or too elegant about this website. However, it has all the advantages of a simple website: it is easy to use and very user friendly.

Browsing the site is very easy and intuitive. There is only one menu bar. The top of the page includes 6 buttons- Air Jordan, New Limited, Shipping, Giftcards, Contact, Blog. At the Air Jordan button which include the biggest Jordan collection. These are Air Jordan1-9, 10-19, 20-32, special version and more – obviously, some of the famous designers on the planet.

The prices available at match the average prices available on the market of fake shoes. The prices for these replica bags vary between $90 and $200. As you can see the variation in the price of the sneakers is huge: from $90 to $200, but this difference is justified by the model, the fabric, the size and popularity of the bag. Nevertheless, the price tag corresponds to the one you find on any other replica sneakers’ store. accepts the following payment options: Visa, Mastercard, Western Union and Bank Wire. I always recommend making your payment by credit card. These days, it is the most secure payment method. You can always rely on your bank to get your money back if you are scammed by an online company. Still, having the alternative of Western Union and Bank Wire is a good thing as well. There are people who do not want to put their credit card info out there and would prefer this option instead. can provide free delivery. When you purchase a replica sneaker from this online store you have two shipping options: one is free and the other is DHL for $15. Indeed, the Express delivery option may seem pretty expensive, but it guarantees the arrival of your order in about 4-10 business days while free shipping means that you have to wait for 10-20 working days for your order to be delivered. If you need it fast then you will probably consider the extra money as a very reasonable solution.

Any fake sneaker bought from can be returned for a full refund within the first 14 days from the delivery. The company guarantees customer satisfaction by offering to replace or refund any product that arrives defective. Of course, the manufacturer’s defect must be confirmed before the refund or exchange is processed.

As you will notice, there is a live chat button on the website. This suggests a highly responsive and serious customer service. Unfortunately, this is only a fake impression. When you click the chat button it says that the chat does not work because this was never set up by the website administrator. There is a phone number listed on the Contact us page, but this is a phone number and when I called it, it just rang and rang without anybody answering it. So I am really unsure if this is the actual phone number of is a company without substance, a company that definitely lacks the professional service. It is terribly good at faking the impression of a decent and reliable company that has a very friendly and easy to use website, a wide selection of beautiful replica sneakers, affordable prices, liable payment options, flexible shipping policy and a optional refund policy. Everything sounds very good, until you discover that its customer service is phony. These big discrepancies make you see it as it really is: an unsecure fake sneakers website.
